Friday, 28 August 2015

Totally Inappropriate but Oftentimes Nobody Gives a Damn

There's a whole load of inappropriateness going around at this time of the year.

Dragging whole  communities into something which is none of their damn business.

Sullying the reputation of person's for wearing outfits
deemed morally wrong by some segments of the public.
Elektra. Need I say more?

Threats of bodily harm IF.

The Emergency Bogeyman.

Projection outright lies as truth.

Snake-oil-peddling half truths as 100% truths.

The list is quite extensive.

God knows when this is gonna stop, if at all.

This is so much like the fictitious life of one Matt Murdock aka Daredevil.

Following  the "Born Again" story arc by writer / artist extraordinaire Frank Miller, Matt Murdock has been literally "resurrected" like a billion lifetime, each time his predicament going from bad to worse.

So, in honour of the writers of a reality seemingly reflective of ol hornhead Matt Murdock, please welcome Elektra Natchios, the one eaully fictitious woman who seemed made for the wretched Daredevil.

To all those joining the #BERSIH4 rally, stay safe.

I will pray for you from afar.

God bless you for the bravery to do something as opposed to nothing.


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Bogelnya Si Luncai Dengan Labunya

Kalau aku ahli Umno dan baca posting Out Syed the Box “Apabila Pemimpin Sayang Yahudi”, mesti aku malu yang teramat sampai hantuk kepala kat dinding dan tak keluar rumah sampai bila – bila.

Lagilah kalau aku Pembesar Umno. Ala, macam Aziz Karpawi.

Kalau ikut cakap Aziz Karpawi punya telahan, Nampak gayanya Boss dia pun 2x5 je ngan DAP yang dia meluat sangat tu.

Institusi Yahudi gak yang company bawah Boss dia tu tala pi untuk bagi untung sangat besar.

Ironi yang kelakar gila rasanya bila Aziz Karpawi berdegar2 konon duit derma Berbillion Ringgit yang “allegedly” masuk akaun Boss dia tu untuk lawan DAP yang berdana dari Yahudi.

Tuduh buta lak tu, tak macam OutSyed buat siap ngan gambar dan fakta yang semua orang boleh Google.
Bogeyman Budak2
Ka Aziz Karpawi tak rasa apa2 pun? 

Untungnya besar gila tu. USD590m tu ingat sikit ka. Tambah kalau convert ke Ringgit yang tengah merundum jatuh sekarang.

Bergenerasi makan tak habih kalau orang Malaysia yang banyak kais pagi makan semalam ni.

Aku tak mau cakap orang Melayu sebab kaum lain pun ada ramai yang sekarang senak poket dalam fasa eko-no-money tika dan kala ini.

Lagi satu, Pembesar2 Umno yang ada kuasa ni, sikit2 nak lutu Bogeyman.

Bogeyman tu kalau ikut Google: "roh jahat khayalan , yang disebut biasanya untuk menakut-nakutkan kanak2” (atau orang tua – yang ni aku tambah la).

Orang tua tak tau malu nih.
Bukan bogel-man no. Jangan salah.

DAP la, Yahudi la, Kristian la, Iluminati la, Anwar la.

Ada saja Bogeyman Pembesar2 Umno ni.

Pembesar BN yang lain pun ada gak buat gini, tapi since depa bukan Melayu, depa tone down la sikit retorik  nak tunjuk liberal.

Tengok la Paul “Too much openness is akin to porn” Low.

Bogeyman gak la tu dengan literal emphasis on “Bogel, Man”.

Jadinya, bila tengok muka set2 Yahudi yang berkuasa di Goldman Sachs yang buat commission melalui syarikat yang berkait lansung dengan kerajaan Malaysia, takkan tak rasa ludah hala kat Bogeyman tu jatuh kat atas hidung kita balik?

Takkan takdak sikit pun rasa kecik sangat2 ego?

Kering gila kalau ye. Hebat sungguh pembesar Umno kalau ya.

I rest my case lah then.

Pakat2 terjun lah  kita ngan Labu kita dalam keadaan sedar kata kita ni dah telanjang bulat sebenarnya.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Make Mine Marvel No More

The more I reminiscence, the more I realized that the mid 1980s were the best years of my comic reading life.

Kaleon Rahan’s recent review of the Punisher: Circle of Blood triggered this jaunt along the memory lane to the time when John Byrne was a hot item and Chris Claremont could do no wrong.

I had subscription orders to mainly the Uncanny X-Men, Alpha Flight and Fantastic Four; copies of which were sent to me all rolled up.

It helped that the exchange back then were something like RM2++ per USD1, so every issue is pretty cheap.

Though for a secondary school student, they’re still a dent to the pocket money.

So I did exactly what any self-respected comic nerd (my better’s half’s description of me) would do: I started a comic book club.

Can’t recall exactly how much was the, urm, membership fee, but business was fairly good.

Usually they are hooked on the X-Men, with FF and Alpha Flight more technical that students care to be.

FF in a scientific kind of tech while Alpha Flight the mythic sort of tech (fans of both will catch my drift).

The days of RM2++ to a US Dollar is long gone and with it, gone also the days when even this once-student who earned the most nominal of pocket money could afford to be eager beaver on a monthly basis for the next installment of the X-Men, FF and Alpha Flight.

Now, my orders in Amazon is on perpetual cart status without checking out as the price in Ringgit is just plain horrendous.

Looks like it will be a while more for my Akira series to get its number 2. 

The rate is now RM4.1++ to USD1. Ouch. 
But Que Sera Sera for our good old gomen.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Swanky, Shameless Smartass

Smiling a Cheshire Cat’s grin,
Samba chimes silently clinking,
Swimming naked in a public pool
A smarmy shameless swanky smooth

Bloody quick he is to the draw
Ballsy moves of a whopping tale
Boiling opponents and proponents   
A brollop of smarts with a slinky zeal

Trust him we should never do
Threading with care his every move
Tear to the inner linings his gray flannel
A thirst for truth that remains unquenched

A smarmy shameless swanky smooth
Swimming naked in a public pool
Summing up the kaching-ing register
Smart, he thinks, smooching his smutty shades.

Bored, that's all there is to this.