Monday, 29 September 2008

School Sexual Shenanigans

Innocence by
I find it astounding, and disturbingly worrisome, that there has been a really subdued response to news of sexual shenanigans – and featuring lesbians at that! – at a school in Pahang with video clippings apparently making their rounds.

Undoubtedly, the clippings would probably find their way to youtube (if they were not uploaded already).

There’s no doubting that the sexual assault (even if they fell short of rape) would leave a mark on the victim’s psyche and leave her susceptible to more abuses especially with the act being passed from one eye to another.

Is this not something that is serious to warrant an immediate feedback?

A week went between the first report on Sept 23 , and the
second on Sept 29 , and the silent is deafening.

Parents reading such horror stories would be of two minds to send their children to schools if nothing can be done to ensure of their safety and well being.

Sex in schools have long been a “spoken about but never really ascertained the truthfulness” kind of gossip.

Even during my boarding school days, we would hear of allege sexual liaisons between teacher and students – sometime of different sexes, sometimes the same – as well as tales of sexual escapade of fellow schoolmates.

They could be true; they could be false. There is no way to know for sure and they remain gossip without any proof.

Video recordings (or any recordings for that matter) take the absurdity and gossipy fun out of the matter and makes it’s a crime.

The victims in such cases are thus vitimised even more in being put in the center stage bringing their personal esteem into disrepute.

We are talking about 14-year old schoolgirls, for goodness sakes.

It could be anyone’s daughter who is at the receiving end of something so shameless.

So why aren’t there widespread indignation? Are we too absorbed with politics that something so heinous can be relegated to mere sidebar stories?

I sincerely hope that is not the case.

Innocence has to be protected lest there is no more shine in the world.

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