Thursday, 23 July 2015

To be in the Know

Had a long chat two days ago with a longtime friend who’s now a fairly successful corporate on – what else? - the whole shitty situation on the 1MDB controversy.

Turns out he’s quite in the know on things and I figured he needed an outlet to rant out his misgivings with yours truly the only one amongst compatriots who is left leaning vis-à-vis Umno and its cohort.

That’s what I think la.
Anyway, he confirmed some things I already knew, reaffirmed some which many have suspected and provide some rather shocking new “gossipy” (since it will never possibly be proven) details.

Oh what a web of deceit the whole thing weave!

Explains a whole lot if true.

A hint: it has to do with those leading the so called 1MDB task force. I shall say no more.

Anyway, things are coming to a boil now; Dow Jones has officially replied Najib’s lawyers’ letter of, urm, clarification, Bloomberg’s chipped in with its own piece, arrests have been, accounts frozen (in Singapore: Yowza!)…

Yup, boiling.

I wonder if those in Umno do not feel even slightly the rising temperature.

Surely they are still those in the party who could see the Dinosaur that is right smack in the middle of the 1MDB debacle. Ke tak ada? Tunggu masa je lah kalau ya..

Funny (or tragic, depending on your view), TV3 and its ilk are going all Gung Ho on the so-called tell all by the duo Lester and Rao, slips ups notwithstanding.

Coming so late in the aftermath, the tell-all is at best a lame diversion.

Back to the chat; he sounded exasperated really, like being stuck with too many a rotting molars.

I can tell he’s stuck in the middle of it all and can’t wait for the ending, protracted as it is.

I’m just thankful I’m watching from outside. 

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