Thursday, 1 August 2013

Reminding Myself its Ramadhan..

Some of us are so bloody, bleeping paranoids.

Forgive me Lord for my harsh words and strong feelings today despite my being in Ramadhan.

Its just that SOME QUARTERS (a seemingly much favoured phrase of some reporters) are on dangerous mode on the pretext of upholding the sanctity of your Ad - Deen.

And pitching what was something coming from the heart of a fellow worshiper into a "THEM against US" paranoia.

Thank you Lord for making SOME QUARTERS falling flat on their faces to discover it to be otherwise.

But I am shocked that the dog trainer is now paying the price and treated like a criminal for her kind intentions to another of your creations.

I pray for Your protection as she undergoes a torrid episode of her life and I pray too that she does not lose any faith in You and see the Hikmah behind everything that happens to all of us.

Forgive me Lord again for my wayward thoughts as recorded.


Another viewpoint: offering a much, much closer perspective.


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