In a letter sent to the GLCs and Danaharta by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, the GLCs and Danaharta were informed that the Finance Ministry had agreed to settle all outstanding civil suits against Tajuddin.
What does this mean? That the government will fork out its (read: public) money on behalf of the former MAS chairman?
And here we were thinking the country is cash strapped and that belts need tightening, lifestyles need crimping, sayurs need planting, et cetera.
What with the US debt, S&P down rating debacle and all.
How much really in “settlement” are we talking about here, I wonder?
Or is this a “Talk Only but No Do One” kind of thing? Or maybe a “Let’s Offset this with Something, why don’t we?” Or something else entirely? What could it be?
Oh the suspense.
Whatever it is, this news flash which The Star picked up from The Malaysian Insider sure opens a whole lot of cans.
For concerned fellow Muslims, let’s now shrugged our heads together in disbelief and say “Sesungguhnya aku berpuasa…”
This country seems intent to not rest in having these sensationally controversial stories. Even in Ramadhan. Go figure.
Shall we say: No rest for the wicked?